Moodle Quiz: Improve your understanding of quizzes
Lagt online: 19.05.2022

Moodle Quiz: Improve your understanding of quizzes
Lagt online: 19.05.2022

Moodle Quiz: Udvikl din forståelse af quizzer
Lagt online: 19.05.2022
Lagt online: 19.05.2022
Moodle quiz provides you with a myriad of opportunities of how you can use quizzes to support your teaching both before and after the classes – Some examples:
Quizzes, at the core, are a form of test and therefore it makes sense to consider them as an exam form. When using Moodle Quiz, you can make the questions in various different ways that make it relevant to use for exams. You can have essay questions, calculation questions, match questions and answers both in the form of words, pictures and videos. You can also make true/false questions or do the classical multiple-choice variation. Thereby Moodle Quiz can be used in various exam situations, depending on what kind of exam you wish to create. If you want to read more about what types of questions you can ask in the quizzes, you can read more about it here.
CDUL conducted a workshop concerning the use of Moodle quiz, where several educators shared their experiences. During this workshop it was pointed out that some had good experiences with using Moodle quiz as an exam form as well as a self-evaluation tool for the students. One of the educators shared their experience of using Moodle Quiz as a sort of assistant teacher. In this instance, the educator had made a quiz based on the most typical problems the students often encountered during the teachings. In the quiz, he had incorporated feedback which served as a help for the students to understand the things they were finding difficult.
Do you want to incorporate Moodle quiz in your teaching but do not know how to get started? Then you can use the guide on Moodles quiz function on this page and you can find the page on Moodle as a Learning Technology here. Furthermore, our digital learning consultants Rune Gram Hagel Jensen and Jonas Svenstrup Sterregaard have hosted workshops about using Moodle Quiz, and you can contact them directly here.